Spiritual Disciplines

As you seek to grow in your faith, spiritual disciplines are essential. Take time to try some of the ones listed below. Work on one at a time and slowly begin to add more to your daily routine. 

Prayer (Emptying)

Try to release all the stress and things that weigh you down, focusing on who God is and what he wants to do in your life. A form of mediation and prayer this is good for those that feel overwhelmed in their current situation or simply want to have their life more centered on God.


Work through the weekly readings posted online or pick a book out of the bible. When reading don’t just focus on covering as much as possible. Rather spend time with each detail and allow it to sit in your mind. Open your heart and listen for what God is trying to speak to you through his word.


A really great practice to work on is that of confessing. Often done with another trusted individual, spend time being honest about your short comings and failures that day or week. When we practice this God uses those he places in our life to show us his grace and mercy. While also helping guide us in a better direction.


This is not a call to be lazy, but to slow down your schedule in order to better focus on your spiritual wellbeing. Take a break from social media, tv, and the internet. You will be surprised by the peace you can find when stepping back from all the things we fill our life with.


We often think of worship as something that happens on Sunday morning, but you can celebrate God at any time. Sing praise to God wherever you are with no shame. When we praise God and celebrate what he is doing in our lives, it is hard to focus on the negatives that surround us.


Go out of your way to be Jesus to those around you. Not simply sticking with your group, but seeking out those that need companionship and beginning a new relationship with them. You never know what God has in store for you if you never get outside of your comfort zone.


Work in different mediums to create just as God creates. When we spend time working with our hands to bring about something beautiful, something we are proud of, it helps us better understand God as creator. It helps us understand his joy and pride in his creature, and his desire for it to be healed.


Begin each new day seeking for where God is going to lead you that day. This discipline is focused on prayer, listening, and courage to go where God calls. Seeking isn’t something that just happens, but requires us to be vigilant in each moments discerning where God is leading us.