Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our children are precious gifts from God. They are also a tremendous responsibility from Him. Here at Wilbarger Street Church of Christ, we take that responsibility seriously. We believe that true spiritual leadership begins in the home, but we also want to provide a supplement for the spiritual development of children here in our community. We work to create an engaging and empowering children's ministry that will make an eternal difference.

Sunday Mornings
Wilbarger Street Kids Class 9:30am-10:30am
During our adult Bible classes, we have a kind of children's church. This large scale class engages children in age appropriate teaching that calls them into the story scripture through activities and fun.
Wednesday Nights

KidStreet 7:00pm-8:00pm
We know that not everyone learns the same way. Here in our Wednesday night kids program, we purposefully engage children in a variety of learning methods. We do crafts, drama, story telling, history, singing, and much much more.