Mountain View Christian Camp
Session 1 Daily Themes

While dressing to the daily theme is not required, we do award Cabin Points for those who participate. So throw caution to the wind, plan your best outfits, and get into character! Daily prizes will be handed out for best dressed camper!
MisMatch Monday
So you think you can match, how about you clash! Do your best to look out of sorts on this wacky first day. 
Twin Tuesday
You’ve got a twin in me! Plan ahead or be spontaneous, this day is about beings someone's twinky. 
Walt Disney Wednesday
Embrace your inner Disney character! You can try to deny it, but everybody loves at least one Disney character. 
Throwback Thursday
If it was cool once, its cool twice??? Right??? Dress with the style of the past in a day that rewinds history. 
Fiction Friday
Represent your favorite hero from fiction! A day that can bring out the inner hero in all of us.